Antiperspirant and Deodorants

Antiperspirant and Deodorants

Perfume puts the finishing touch to elegance
– a detail that subtly underscores the look…

Deodorant’s, simply put are a class of perfumes which have an extended function, that is they serve as antiperspirant along with enveloping the body with the fragrance. Deodorant perfume has emerged as essentiality in recent times due to its excellent assistance. Deodorant antiperspirant is the composition which when applied to body surface eliminates or overcome the unpleasant body odor, the resultant of sweating.

Unpleasant body odor is the result of bacterial breakdown in body promoted by sweating. Hot and humid weather accelerates the rate of perspiration especially in the body pits and closed area like underarm and feet. Antiperspirant reduces sweating thereby eliminating the bacteria’s growth ground. An antiperspirant with fragrance is an added advantage as it performs dual function by reducing sweating and working as deodorant perfume.

Every antiperspirant is more or less same with the same functionality. It’s the fragrance only which makes all the difference, so you just have to pick the right fragrance to build the magic and we, the experts in fragrance are here to assist you! 

We suggest you to have a glimpse at the exceptional value addition services we offer to our esteemed clients. Posh fragrances deploys technologically advanced procedures to ensure best services:

  • Highly acidic compounds like Aluminium chloride, Aluminium chlorohydrate, Aluminium zirconium, Aluminium zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly and aluminium zirconium trichlorohydrex gly are used in antiperspirants and creating fragrance in such acidic media is quite challenging as the stability of aromatic chemicals are reduced in such aggressive media, yet we achieve excellent results
  • Every single molecule is tested in the acidic media and only after ensuring the stability, we introduce the aromatic chemical in antiperspirant compound.
  • Creation of stable molecule only results in stable perfume deodorant
  • Physical usage of molecule on skin is also tested by applying low percentage of chemical on skin and the longevity of the perfume is monitored
  • We hand-pick the chemicals and use only the best for creating the fragrance
  • We also ensure that the chemicals don’t cause any negative impact to the skin when applied

Smell-an invisible extra that completes a personality. Without it there is something missing.

Combining fragrance with antiperspirant compounds is a challenging task demanding highest level of expertise and efficiency as the compounds are acidic in nature making it impossible for aromatic chemicals to survive in such aggressive media. We, at Posh fragrances are competent to undertake such challenging assignments and have proved our mantle.

We, as a standard operating procedure ensure that the aromatic chemical is stable in the antiperspirant compounds and we deduce by performing stability tests on various molecules and consequently, we pick the best of the lot. Unless, the molecule is stable in aggressive acidic medium, stable deodorant antiperspirant cannot be created. We also have to ensure that the aromatic chemicals being used once combined with antiperspirant compounds does not become an irritant for skin since the antiperspirant has to be applied on bare skin. 

This step is of utmost importance as we as an ethical duty, ensure safe to use products to our clients. We don’t believe in cutting corners and never take chance and hence, we put the chemical under stringent skin reactivity tests which involves the practical application of deodorant perfume on skin and then monitor any changes to skin like irritation or redness or itching.

When the created fragrance deodorant passes the skin reactivity test, then it is put through tests which are commercially important like longevity test. We test and ensure that the antiperspirant stays on the skin for long time even during sweating and laborious activity. This is important because the whole concept of antiperspirants revolves around a perfume deodorant which stays on you when you are sweating! 

 Call it anything; deodorant perfume, deodorant or antiperspirant, its job is to keep you fresh and fragrant when you are sweating. Perfume is for people who are partying and deodorant antiperspirants for those who are working!. People are so conscious of body odor that they want to smell nice even while working out!
Antiperspirants are great hit in market if the fragrance is right.

We are great with fragrances and together we can create a superb fragrance for your antiperspirant…