Detergent Fragrances

Detergent Fragrances

Fragrance is the gift which nature has bestowed on human-kind; fragrance is one of the luxuries offered by nature to people and has strong impact on people’s mind. It has the potential to enliven a dull ambience in a moment. Fragrance wraps the person in an envelope of memories and feelings deeply associated with it and for a moment, the whole ambience undergoes a drastic change. Human mind tends to associate certain fragrances with specific emotions and feelings, like smell of rose with love and white musk with purity and cleanliness. 

Detergent industry has undergone a drastic change since the introduction of fragrance in detergents. Erstwhile, detergents were to impart only cleanliness to clothes, however the times have changed and now, they have to smell good and make clothes fragrant during and after washing. Clothes with fresh fragrance are a welcome change and the trend has spread like fire in jungle. Consumer expectations have soared and to excel in industry, fragrant detergent is the key!

Let us work towards turning true the quote “Clothes leave some of their fragrance in the hand that bestows them” making the clothesline smell as good as flowers; together we can fill your detergent with this enticing fragrance!

Posh fragrances is an expert in this domain and is specialized in combining fragrance with detergent to present long-lasting wonderful fragrance.

Fragrance creates oasis in desert. It is such a mirage which fills the heart with hope and happiness

Fragrance creates oasis in desert. It is such a mirage which fills the heart with hope and happiness

Our processes are technologically advanced and proven to deliver the desired result and we research diligently to provide you with this admirable concept. Our specialties are:

  •  Testing stability of every single molecule in different kind of detergent bases
  • Special emphasis is to cover the foul odor of base detergent chemical
  • Ensuring Diffusion and stability of aromatic chemicals in detergent base for presence of aroma during and after wash cycle in wet and dry clothes
  • Equipped to use anti-oxidants and stabilizers to ensure stability of perfume in detergent base
  • Extensive market research conducted to demark popular fragrances associated with cleanliness and freshness and then the same is used to promote the feeling of freshness
  • Designing and creating perfumes using such selective palette of chemicals that are stable in high pH (as detergents are highly alkaline) and ensures stability. Very few chemicals are stable in such an aggressive media
  • High impact perfumes that can be used in quantity as low as .03% to 0.3%, keeping strong top note to ensure instantaneous diffusion in air
  • Ensuring that there are no negative side effects of aromatic chemicals on properties of detergent
  • Introducing perfume in detergent with special properties like antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

At Posh fragrances, We ensure that our detergent fragrances overpower the original foul smell of the detergent chemicals. Every single fragrance molecule and aromatic chemicals are tested with the base detergents of various types and the stability of each molecule in detergent is given special emphasis. The molecule stability is of utmost importance as the stable fragrant molecule ensures that the wet and dry clothes smell nice and fresh after washing, enabling the user to enjoy the aroma. Stability is also of utmost importance as the aroma has to be present in the wet and dry cloth fiber after complete wash cycle. Aromatic chemicals influence the substantivity of fragrance on wet and dried clothes.

We choose the fragrance which induces the feeling of freshness and cleanliness in people and to decide upon the fragrances, extensive market researches and polls are conducted to select the most preferred fragrances. To introduce the feeling of freshness and cleanliness, specific fragrance chemicals which provoke the scent of freshness are chosen and used in detergent. Unique fragrances with the balanced mix of detergent fragrances are created to enhance the fragrance quality of detergent. Fragrance is always a value addition to qualities of the detergent making it more popular among the consumers. Apart from the quality of fragrance, the chemical property of fragrance also has to be deliberated upon. 

We comprehend the importance of fragrant detergents and are committed to providing our customers with excellent service to achieve the desired results

We comprehend the importance of fragrant detergents and are committed to providing our customers with excellent service to achieve the desired results

The chemical properties of fragrances and detergent are quite different as detergents are alkaline in nature and further to it; many enzymes are added to them to enhance their cleansing action and these enzymes act to kill the fragrance. The alkaline nature of the detergent severely impacts the performance of the fragrance by reducing the stability of aromatic chemicals present in fragrance. Very few chemicals have the capability to sustain alkaline nature and we, at Posh fragrances, by way of our advanced technology labs use these chemicals to retain the fragrance of detergent in clothes even after washing. To enable the fragrance a prolonged stay with the clothes, anti-oxidants and stabilizers are used extensively in our fragrances and at the same time, this is ensured that the fragrance does not hamper washing properties of detergent. Fragrance of detergent is so diffusive that it spreads in the surrounding air; the very instant detergent pack is opened.

Fragrance and detergent is an excellent combination, yet difficult to obtain. Fragrant detergent captures the increased market share in short time as indicated by various market researches. Human mind is always attracted towards the fragrances and this combination promises the people a nice scent when they pull their freshly washed clothes out of dryer. The enticing detergent fragrance ensures the detergent’s place in shopping basket.